(Ended) Home Is Hope

(Campaign Has Ended)

From: 15 Jun 2024 to 30 Nov 2024

At New Hope Community Services, we believe that everyone deserves a safe and comfortable place to call home. Yet every year, people lose their homes for a variety of reasons. Rising rent and low pay, or sudden crisis such as losing a job or family conflict can quickly lead people to homelessness. The journey out of homelessness can be difficult, and it becomes easy to lose hope. But it doesn't have to be this way.

Home is Hope is a fundraising campaign that supports our ongoing work to restore hope among the homeless and low-income families and individuals in Singapore. Our vision for our beneficiaries extends beyond just a roof over the head — we provide a range of services and programmes such as casework, mentoring, job-matching and life-skills training to give them the dignity and empowerment to better their own lives and thrive again.

We Need Your Support!
Your generosity will play a pivotal role in bring this vision to life. Your donations will directly help someone else in need — enabling a journey of leaving behind homelessness for good. Together, we can create a ripple effect of positive change that extends far beyond physical spaces, leaving a lasting mark on the hearts and lives of those we serve.

To Donate:

Option 1:
Visit our online campaign at give.asia/homeishope

Option 2:
Issue a crossed cheque payable to “New Hope Community Services”, and indicate on the back of the cheque "Home is Hope", your contact number and name of donor and mail it to:

New Hope Community Services
Block 148 Yishun Street 11 #01-123
Singapore 760148

Option 3:
Make a bank transfer to:

New Hope Community Services
DBS Current Account
015 9007766

Indicate "Home is Hope" in the reference or write to us at [email protected] to indicate that the donation is in response to the above fundraising campaing.

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New Hope Community Services HQ
Blk 148 Yishun Street 11, #01-123
Singapore 760148

Tel : +65 6305 9620
Fax : +65 6755 3684

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